Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to Successfully Motivate Employees

Reference: Jones, L (2010, Jun.03). How to Successfully Motivate Employees Articlesbase.com. Retrieved on Feb 20,2011 from "http://www.articlesbase.com/self-improvement-articles/how-to-successfully-motivate-employees-2537443.html".

This article discusses how to motivate company’s employees. The author of this article emphasizes on management’s role to spread motivation, and he focus in six main points to motivate employees. Instead of motivating employees every day it would be better for the managers to induce self-motivation in their employees. So, how this is happening; there are six main points that had been discussed in the article; first, employees are individuals, which means that they are normal people, they have feeling, different interests, different ways of thinking. So, they should be respected as people who have the right to think and act independently or as part of a team which in return bring special talent to the company. Second, company should open the door for open communication and feedback because each input from any employee is important and it may produce great ideas that are helping the company to achieve their goal. Third, company should award its employees when ever possible. Forth, training employees is always beneficial because when they are well trained they will do better job. Fifth, company should publish its vision, this helps all employees to focus in on their company’s goals and vision and they will be motivated to achieve this goal. Sixth, companies should take care about the motivation and feed all part of it to get the result even if it is not right away, sometimes it takes time to see the good results.

The author discussed very good points to motivate employees. In fact, employees motivation is not only benefit employees only, it is actually benefits the company itself. I agree with the author in all six points, and I would like to add some important points that will help not in only motivate employees but also to retain the best talents. First, clear career plan for every employee. Actually most of the employees are looking for advancement in their career; it is not only job to live. Many of employees are depressed when they know that they will not get higher position in the same field, if not they will start looking for other opportunities in another companies that gives them better career plan. In this case the company will lose one of its talents who have the experience and training to run the operations of the company. I read other articles discussing the same thing, if the employee does not change his position or get promotion after five years they will feel depressed, this is called “Employee burn”. So, employees should get advancement not later than 3-5 years which motivate them to do better and learn more about their career. Second, if the employee share the management the responsibility, goals, and decision making, the employee will feel that this decision is his decision and he will exert all effort to accomplish when ever needed to reach his goal, this goal is also one of the company long-term or short-term goals. In sum, the best employee is not only the highest educated employee, but the employee who feel that he is the owner of this company and do whatever he can to support the company and its goals.

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